Thursday, January 26, 2012

First post of 2012: Dreams, a poem.

I know it has been a while, but here is my first post of the year! Enjoy!


In the early hours of the morning it seems that the best thing to do
is to sleep and fade into the darkness of sleep.
However, I will never fade.
I will not falter, nor will I be ignored like the floor beneath the altar.
I have awakened the hopes and potential of mankind for centuries now.
Today, I shall awaken yours.

How much longer will you dwell in this cesspool of regret?
Your actions and expressions are similar
to the hopeless man who just lost the ultimate bet.

Can you hear me?

Or are the sounds of sorrow and despair so loud that you can’t hear my voice?
Open your eyes to what I am trying to show you!
It seems like you have sealed your eyes shut with glue.
Why do you conform to what is beneath you?
Why do you insist on becoming everything you’re not?!
People will always hate no matter what you do.
Don’t let them choose your fate.

Who do I think I am?
Why won’t I leave you alone?
When will I cease to insist on you?

I am the reason there is a Hoover dam
I created the world’s greatest cell phone
Without me, progress would not exist!

Tonight I want to give you that which makes humanity special.
I want to give you the push into new territory.

I want you to make history.

Will you allow me the chance to give you the key to the future?

Just who am I exactly you ask?
Goodness! I thought you would never ask!
I am the one who will give you your life’s task.
I am your dreams.

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